ani difranco lyrics

My goal in creating this page is to maintain a record of all known Ani DiFranco lyrics. Her words are very powerful and i want them to be accessible to those who find power in them. I know that they have helped many people find solid grounding in difficult times.
I do not intend to expand this site beyond the lyrics. The photos are to make this site a bit more aesthetically palatable but i do not intend to have a collection of photos, MP3s or other fan materials. I am unable to share MP3s either on this site or via email - i'm sorry. I strongly encourage you to support Ani by buying her albums.
Most of the lyrics on this site were, at one point, transcribed from a bootleg. There are definitely inaccuracies, mispellings and the like. While i don't really like that reality, it just isn't possible for me to check all of the lyrics against the released albums. But! if you send me corrections, i will update the site.
My apologies for taking so long to upload lyrics. I have to admit that it's tricky to keep up. If you know of new songs that are out, please do let me know and I will do my best to get them up in a timely manner.

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