Maya Angelou: 'Barack Obama has done a extraordinary deed'

It has become bittersweet about the life experience of Maya Angelou. Thinking of the literature fashioned from a harsh and tragic in racially segregated Missouri and Arkansas: I Know that the Caged Bird Sings; Wouldn't Take Nothing for my Journey Now. Think of her success articulating the struggle of African Americans through the civil rights era. Consider each year, her birthday, 4 April, brings with it both joy and painful memories. Who would share that anniversary with the assassination of her friend, Martin Luther King?

This year, if it progresses as Angelou expects, will exacerbate the pattern, bringing a momentous high, but not before some sickening lows. Don't worry about Barack Obama, says that the chronicler of black history. He'll be re-elected.

"I think we are going to see a number of people say that he has no racial prejudice in his heart, not in his conversation, Angelou says in the next few months we wind up to the double campaign, I tell you that we are going to see some nastiness, some vulgarity, I think. It can be said that They'll pull the sheets off."

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