Clay Chastain and his bride Achimi

Clay Chastain and his bride Achimi. Photo: Courtesy of the BBC Clay Chastain and his bride Akeemi visit honeymoon on the island of Saint Kitts. The island's sleeping volcano rises to Mount Liamuiga. He started climbing into the volcano, keeping Akemi down. At the level of Mount Liaumiger, there are lava and ash. The height is 9,12 feet.
Clay fell on his way to the volcano. He suffered severe head and spinal injuries to the skull. In that case, he was rescued by his wife, Akimai, in Florida.

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The accident happened in the volcano on July 1, a day after the wedding in Crawfordsville, Indiana, USA, reported BBC Online. Clay wanted to get high on the volcano. He wanted to enjoy the beauty of the greenery from there. Down there was Acami.
Clay said he had some kind of fear of the volcano rising to its peak. Suddenly he heard the sound of something breaking down. It seems like something is going wrong. Clay climbed two miles up the volcano.
Akemi said he heard Clare screaming for help. First, you find Clare's cellphone below Akyemi. He then sees Clay lying on the ground. His whole head was bloody.
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Clay Chastain and his bride Achimi. Photo: Courtesy of BBC Ikemi realizes there is no other climber to help Clay. There is no phone network. Without a moment, Akeemi ran to Clay. Drag him down. Clay leaned over him. At this time Clay was breathing repeatedly through his mouth. How far is it to say that you should continue to walk on the akimi? Clay height 5 feet 2 inches. Weight 5 kg. Akeemi went to the local clinic, carrying almost all his load. Then seek help for treatment. It brings in more than $ 1,000 of aid. Clay was taken on a medical flight to Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Doctors said some of the bones in the skull of Clay's head had broken. The vertebrae of the spine were also damaged.

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After returning to Florida, Clay said his wife did a wonderful job. He carried him all the way down the volcano.
Although Akemi says, the way Clay has come so far with such a serious injury is unbelievable.

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