While weird, bunny ears still healthier than Peeps other

 While weird, bunny ears still healthier than Peeps other

I was talking with a friend lately about Easter delicacy. We were listing off all the topmost hits the vacation has to offer jelly sap, Cadbury eggs, and of course looks, which still include a potentially dangerous food color but have managed to avoid the limelight this time when it comes to periodic Easter dishonors. 


When my friend and I started agitating the giant chocolate rabbits, it struck me how numerous "cute" creatures are being disassembled and consumed as part of the American commercial delicacy tradition. I suppose I shouldn't find this strange. Cravens, eggs, and rabbits are eaten regularly in mortal culture, after all. But there’s just commodity about plainly smelling the cognizance off of a bunny-shaped piece of cocoa and sugar that seems disturbing when it’s given any study. 

Your average delicacy-eater likely isn't giving chocolate Easter bunny cognizance any allowed other than" yum," still, and maybe that’s the way it should stay for now. Coming downtime, we can reconvene to bandy the gingerbread men.

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